
During the month of January we learned about Safety.

During the first week we learned the emergency number which is very important to know in case of an emergency. We also learned about the ambulance & its role, safety on the farm & bus safety therefore we learned about how we should behave when riding in a bus. Below are the activities we did related to the topic.

telephone made out of a cereal box & ambulance
bus made out of an egg carton & tractor
During the second week we learned about car safety & how we should behave when riding in a car. We also learned about policemen & firemen: their role in society & we learned that they are there to help us whenever we need them. We learned about traffic lights & zebra crossing too & how important it is to use them to cross the road. Below are the activities we did related to the topic.
policeman & fireman
traffic lights & car safety
police car
During the third week we learned about safety by the sea: safety equipment needed on a boat, how we should behave when on a boat & being careful when we are on the sand by the sea, therefore keeping the beach clean so that we won't get hurt. We also learned what is safe to eat & what isn't. Below are the activities we did related to the topic.
by the sea collage & paper plate boat
boat safety & what is safe to eat & what isn't
During the fourth week we learned about the story of Little Red Riding Hood & its meanin which is that we should bever talk to strangers even though they look so nice to us. We also learned about the basket full of healthy food that Little Red Riding Hood took to her grandmother & that we should eat healthy food as well. Then we concluded the topic by discussing what is safe & what isn't.

Little Red Riding Hood & her basket of fruit
the wolf
chart of safe & unsafe things made by us
This is the song which we learned about the topic: (for tune see the link below)
Incempel 112, incempel 112
meta xi hadd iwegga' u jkollu bzonn l ghajnuna
incempel 112....
Ambulanza tigi zgur!
Ambulanza tigi zgur, Ambulanza tigi zgur
meta xi hadd iwegga' u jkollu bzonn l ghajnuna
meta xi hadd iweggaaa'
incempel 112
Here is a video of the children singing the song in class so that you'll know the tune of the songs.
This is the song which we sing everyday about the topic:
Here is a link to the video we watch in class:

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